Friendly Tutors

Learning to succeed

4 Easy Steps to book a friendly tutor

With Friendlytutors, you can learn anything. Simply choose the subject or subjects you wish to learn better, we are in a good position to help you find, book lessons, and stay in touch with your perfect-matched tutor. Here is how it works:

Start your search

Click to search the subject, level, and how you want your lesson delivered, online or face-to-face. If you are unable to find a tutor, we will help you to find an alternative tutor who meets all your needs 👀


See testimonials from parents and teachers. Read detailed tutor profiles including photos and more

Schedule your lesson

Book a free 15-minute video meeting. Here you can talk with your tutor about your specific requirements, whether you need a single lesson or more and the time that works for you. 👨🏻‍💻

Start your lesson.

Book and pay as you go! Lessons can happen anytime, Once you have completed your induction, your tutor will contact you to start your first lesson. 

Every lesson is booked and paid for through our secure payment system.
Please remember, there are no minimum number of lessons you can book, and we only take payment 24 hours after each lesson. The rate you pay is the rate you see on the teacher’s profile with no hidden extras.  

One-to-One tuition in public library

Our friendly tutors can support you or your student with learning English as a second language or work with children with specific learning difficulties including dyslexia. FTO can provide excellent tutors who are able to personalize their teaching style to fit your specific learning style enabling the student to achieve their full potential.

For help finding a private tutor online, you can contact us and we’ll match you with the right tutor offering a personalized one to one tutoring.