Friendly Tutors

Learning to succeed

Tutoring in Schools

We are constantly building new relationships with schools across London, providing tutors to run one-to-one tutoring sessions either during the school day, out of term time or evenings and weekends. These can take place on the school site or at the young person’s home.
Many schools use their Pupil Premium funding to provide this targeted support for young people to increase progress and/or to help students gain confidence in the classroom.
Studies have shown that one of the effective ways to influence pupils’ education in schools is the use of Pupil Premium for 1-to-1 tuition.
FTEC tutors are also available to do small group work in the same way. We also provide tuition support for young people in care to support homework or particular subject areas.
If you are a teacher or a school we are happy to talk through your tutoring requirements and put a package of support in place that meets your needs and those of your young people.

For further information, contact us or call us on +44 07961732757